Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Whuuuuuuut? A new post? On THIS blog?! It's been like, way over a YEAR! I haven't really had time to "Do Photography," so this blog kind of fell by the way-side. I don't want it to be dead forever, but I can't make any guarantees about regular updates.

Today I have some pictures to share from my (Semi-Recent) trip to Chicago. I had planned to post these on my main blog, but on the day that I took these, we had visited some gardens, and I took a LOT of pictures. Some of them are more "Photograph" than "Vacation Snapshot," so I decided that in order to make my other post a little shorter, I'd come over here and post some of the more artistic ones, for the few people that might care about these, rather than just the pictures of my family enjoying the gardens.

As I am busy with school, I have no idea when I might be back to this blog to make another post, but I will probably have a few more from our trip to Chicago that might make their way over here,I just don't know when...