Today I decided that I’d do things a little different. Instead of posting all my photographic triumphs, I decided to post some pictures that were a little off. None of them are bad pictures, they’re just ones that I normally would just stick in a folder and not show off. Some are better than others, some you might really like, some might make you say, “Yeah, you probably should have just stuck that one out of sight.” But all of them have something that is a little quirky, and I thought some of you might want to see them. If you like them let me know. Maybe I’ll do more odd posts in the future. If it’s a horrible idea, also let me know and I’ll stick to just posting animal glamor shots.
Friday, July 22, 2011
An Odd Collection
Today I decided that I’d do things a little different. Instead of posting all my photographic triumphs, I decided to post some pictures that were a little off. None of them are bad pictures, they’re just ones that I normally would just stick in a folder and not show off. Some are better than others, some you might really like, some might make you say, “Yeah, you probably should have just stuck that one out of sight.” But all of them have something that is a little quirky, and I thought some of you might want to see them. If you like them let me know. Maybe I’ll do more odd posts in the future. If it’s a horrible idea, also let me know and I’ll stick to just posting animal glamor shots.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Sunset + Tree = Amazing
A couple days ago I posted my entries for our local county fair. This was one that I was most excited about entering. It won third, which I didn’t mind, but I did mind that the judge criticized it for having the horizon centered. It is an old rule of thumb that you should not have a horizon line in the center of your photos, but that is for landscape photography. This picture was not focusing on the landscape, it was about the tree and the shadow. I took many variations of this picture that night, some of them I did focus on the landscape more, but this one is still my favorite. Tonight I thought I would share the others with you so you can see how many different ways there can be to take pictures of one subject. And no, Mr. Judge, the horizon is not in the center of all of them.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
PBR Challenge
Last month my family went to a bull riding competition called the Professional Bull Rider’s Challenge. PBR Challenge for short. You saw one of my unedited photos in my fair entry pictures yesterday. Here are some more of the best pictures I took that evening, including the edited version of the picture from yesterday.